Table 6-1 Muscles of Head and Neck |
| Muscle | | Function | | Innervation |
| Occipitalis | | Pulls scalp posteriorly | | Posterior auricular br. of facial nerve (CN VII)
{Do not confuse with postauricular branch of trigeminal nerve (CNV)} |
| Frontalis muscle | | Elevates eyebrows and wrinkles forehead (horizontal forehead lines) | | Temporal br. of CN VII |
| Orbicularis oculi | | Blinking and tight closure of eyelids (“crow’s feet”), lesser role as brow depressor (depressor supercilii) | | Temporal br. of CN VII (upper portion), zygomatic branch of CN VII (lower portion) |
| Corrugator supercilii | | Pulls eyebrows medially and downward (vertical glabellar lines) | | Temporal br. of CN VII |
| Procerus | | Pulls medial portion of eyebrows and glabellar skin downward (horizontal glabellar lines over root of nose) | | Zygomatic and buccal br. of CN VII per Bolognia (rare sources say temporal br.) |
| Nasalis | | Alar flaring and compression (“bunny lines” over upper bridge of nose) | | Zygomatic and buccal br. of CN VII |
| Levator labii superioris | | Elevates upper lip | | Buccal br. of CN VII |
| Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi | | Lifts upper lip, dilates nostrils | | Buccal br. of CN VII |
| Levator anguli oris | | Lifts corners of the mouth | | Buccal br. of CN VII |
| Risorius | | Produces smile by drawing back corners of mouth | | Marginal mandibular br. of CN VII per Bolognia (other sources say buccal br.) |
| Zygomaticus major | | Main contributor to smile: elevates and draws corner of mouth laterally | | Buccal br. of CN VII |
| Zygomaticus minor | | Elevates upper lip | | Buccal br. of CN VII |
| Modiolus | | Accounts for cheek dimples in some patients | | |
| Orbicularis oris | | Closes and purses lips (vertical perioral lip lines) | | Buccal or marginal mandibular br. of CN VII |
| Buccinator | | Presses cheek against teeth, allows blowing of cheeks | | Buccal br. of CN VII |
| Depressor anguli oris | | Pulls corner of mouth downward (marionette lines → vertical lines at oral commissure) | | Marginal mandibular (MM) br. per Bolognia (most other sources say both MM and buccal br.) |
| Depressor labii inferioris | | Depresses lower lip | | Marginal mandibular br. CN VII |
| Mentalis | | Protrudes lower lip | | Marginal mandibular br. CN VII |
| Platysma | | Pulls corner of mouth inferiorly, tenses neck (horizontal neck lines) | | Marginal mandibular br (upper portion) and cervical br. CN VII |
| | | | | |