Suppurative InflammationsSuppurative Inflammation, or Pustular Diseases - Impetigo - Contagious Impetigo - Ecthyma - Furuncles - Anthrax, or Carbuncle - Malignant Pustule, etc. In many very different diseases of the skin pus is present, and if the term pustular were used in its widest sense a large number of diseases would have to be included under it; for instance, acne; favus; scabies; pemphigus; variola; farcy; varicella; and so on. But in the diseases just named the presence of pus is often not a primary or even essential condition, and its importance is thrown into the shade by the prominence of other features. In those affections which may more strictly be called pustular, the suppuration is the leading and the primary condition, the particular morbid condition the practitioner has to recognize and to remedy. Now under the term pustular diseases, thus defined, are usually comprised impetigo, ecthyma, and furuncular affections, - the latter term including furunculus, or boil; anthrax or carbuncle; and pustular maligna, or malignant boil. Delhi boil would come under this division, but owing to its rarity in this country, will not be treated of. |
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