Pemphigus In this disease the blebs are larger, more persistent, oval, and distended; the contents are watery and acid. Pemphigus is non-contagious; it does not occur especially uu the face or the head; it is less inflammatory, and wants the characteristic scabs. Ecthyma. - This is primarily a pustular disease; it is seen also in adults; there are more induration and swelling, and a good deal of pain in connection with the formation of pustules; it is non-contagious; the scabs are heaped-up and dark. Pustular scabies. - This is the disease with which contagious impetigo is at times confounded. It must be remembered that the two diseases may coexist. In children both attack the buttocks frequently; both may exist about the hands and feet; but the distinctions are really very clear. In scabies there is no febrile condition; the eruption is multiĀform. If there be ecthymatous pustules, like impetigo contagiosa, they are covered by dark thick crusts; there are plenty of characteristic vesicles, with cuniculi and papules. If the impetigo contagiosa begins about the buttocks, it appears presently on the face or the head, or both. There is no irritation, nor are the effects of scratching visible about the body as in scabies; the bullous origin of the disease is distinct, and the scabs are characteristic. The hands are not specially affected in scabies in the child, but even impetigo contagiosa may attack the hands and feet markedly; still there is no multiform eruption, and there are no cuniculi in the latter. |
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