Treatment Locally a good application is an ointment made by rubbing together an ounce of lard, and half a drachm or so of Friars balsam. The crusts may be removed after soaldngs with oil, and the affected parts dressed with an ointment made by adding five to ten grains of white precipitate to the ounce of cosmoline. After the pustules burst, if the ulcers show but little tendency to heal, a weak carbolized wash may be used. The patient should be well hygiened and given a good generous diet. The appropriate internal remedy may be selected from the following: Anacardium. - Hard, red pustules, itching worse after scratching; crossness and irritability with weakness of mind; sensation of a hoop around the affected part. Antimon. crud. - Pustules on the face in fat people; yellowish or brownish scabs on the face; desire for acids. Arsen. alb. - Red or white pustules, with intense burning; painful black pustules, gnawing, burning, and itching; eruption on the scalp, forehead, around the eyes, cheeks, arms, shoulders, and upper part of the chest, terminating in thick crusts, and leaving well-marked scars. Auntm. - Pustules on the face, neck and chest, with irritability and melancholy. Bellad. - Pustules surrounded by a whitish areola. Burning and itching with great sensibility to touch. Caladium. - White pustules with red areolae, sore to the touch and itching; better from sleep in the day time. Calcarea carb. - Heat, thirst and loss of appetite accompany the eruption. Scrofulous children and during dentition. Cantharis. - Tendency to ulceration and gangrene, after or with exanthemata; debility and emaciation. Cicuta. - Burning suppurating eruption about the face, with yellowish crusts. Croton tigl. - Confluent pustules with oozing and burning; greyish-brown crusts on the abdomen; pustules with scarlet redness of the skin; itching followed by painful burning; pains relieved after sleep; intense itching, but cannot bear to scratch on account of the pain it causes. Cyclamen. - Pustules on the feet and toes. Hepar. - Great sensitiveness of the pustules to the slightest touch; redness or little pimples around the ulceration. Kali bichr. - Pustules all over the body, in the early stage having a small brown scab on the top; pustules at the root of the nails spreading over the hand; pustules, with violent itching, which dry without bursting, forming scabs which sting and burn; pustules resembling smallpox, with a hair in the middle, leaving after the scab comes off a small dry ulcer, which heals in about a fortnight, leaving a colorless depressed cicatrix; eruption more in hot weather. Light-haired children inclined to grow fat. Kali hxjd. - The eruption is profuse, over the body. Great desire for the open air. Catarrhal fever with violent thirst. Kreosotum. - Large, fat greasy pustules, with violent itching towards evening; sensation in the skin as from ulceration, especially on face and chin. Lachesis. - Eruption more on the arms and left side.-constitutional taint; feels worse after sleeping. Mercurius. - Suppurating pustules, which either run together, discharging an acrid humor, or which remain sore, become hollow, and afterwards raised and cicatrized; pustules bleed easily and are painful to the touch; itching and binning from the warmth of the bed; sweats easily without relief. Nitric acid. - Feeling as of a splinter sticking into the pustules when touching them. Petroleum. - Itching and burning pustules, with great weakness on exertion; great lassitude; worse in fresh air. Piper nigrum. - Large pustules leaving marks on the face. Rhus tox. - Pustules seated upon a red base; black pustules, forming hard scabs, with burning and itching; worse at night and in cold and stormy weather. Secale corn. - Cachectic females, with rough skin; pustules on the arms and legs, with tendency to gangrene. Silicea. - Pustules all over the body, especially on the back part of the head, sluggish, and do not suppurate or desiccate; sensitive to contact; burning and soreness after scratching; aversion to warm wood; worse in cold. Scrofulous diathesis. Sulphur. - -Dry, thick, yellowish scabs all over the body, especially on the scalp; always attended with great itching; painful to touch; aversion to washing. Tabacum. - Eruption most on neck and upper limbs; weariness, languor and debility; death-like paleness, nausea worse on least motion. Tartar emet. - Eruption over the whole body. Pustules are full, large, round, burning and painful with red areolae, soon drying up and leaving deep malignant ulcers. Pale, livid, blackish, depressed pustules filled with blood or bloody serum collapsing on bursting and changing to broad, deep ulcers. Thuja. - Suppurating pustules, especially on lower extremities; worse from touch; relieved by gentle rubbing. |
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