Name the four “Ds” of pellagra.

• Diarrhea
• Dermatitis
• Dementia
• Death

Pellagra (Italian, pelle-, meaning skin, and agra-, meaning sharp, burning, or rough) is a deficiency of niacin that manifests classically as the “four Ds.” Great variability is seen in the extent and type of gastrointestinal, neurologic, and skin manifestations. Niacin is available in animal products, enriched wheat flour, and is synthesized from tryptophan. Pellagra is most commonly seen in alcoholics and in patients on isoniazid therapy, which interferes with tryptophan metabolism.

Hegyi J, Schwartz RA, Hegyi V: Pellagra: dermatitis, dementia, and diarrhea, Int J Dermatol 43:1–5, 2004.