Medicinal Rashes It is important that the homoeopathic dermatologist should he fully acquainted with the eruption of the skin produced by the administration of medicinal substances. Many of our remedies are capable of producing some form of an eruption upon the skin, and it is this fact, or rather a knowledge of the action of these different medicinal substances, that enables the homoeopathic physician to prescribe successfully for many cases that the old school relegate to hygiene and time for a cure. As the therapeutic indications in the various lesions of the skin are but a history of the effects produced upon the healthy skin, in the prover, of the different medicines mentioned, no attempt will be made here to enumerĀate them. I shall, however, at the close of the volume, give the "skin symptoms" of some of the newer remedies, as all may not be so familiar with these as with the older remedies. Occasionally we find a case that will not respond favorably to any one of our old-tried friends, and some one of the newer remedies will prove to be the more exact similimum, and prove a grateful blessing to our patient. |
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