Therapeutic IndicationsAconite.- In the beginning, with dry, hot skin, full, frequent pulse, thirst, red, watery eyes with photophobia. Stitching pain in side and chest. Dry, hacking and croupy cough. Catarrhal irritation. Anxious restlessness. Vertigo on raising up. Antimon. crud.- White-coated tongue. Gastric derangements. Pain in the ears. Apis.- Confluent eruption and oedematous swelling of the skin. Cough and soreness of the chest, as if bruised. Violent cough similar to whooping cough. Catarrh of the bowels, diarrhoea in the morning, stools greenish-yellow. Scanty, high-colored urine. Oppression of the chest and inability to remain in a warm room. Arsenic- Malignant cases with typhoid symptoms. Eruption dark colored or retroceding. Pale, earthy face. Great dryness, burning and itching of the skin. Rapid prostration. Intense thirst, but drinks only small quantities. Anxiety and great restlessness. Thrush in the mouth and on the fauces. Worse about midnight. Belladonna.- In the commencement with hot, moist skin, and frequent soft pulse. Congestion to the head. Constant drowsy sleep or drowsiness with inability to sleep. Bright redness of the throat, with pain on swallowing. Diphtheritic symptoms. Back feels as if it would break. Thick, white-coated tongue. Worse about three o'clock a.m. Complication with scarlet fever. Bryonia.- Eruption does not come out well. Congestion to the chest with stitching, shooting pains on breathing or motion. Rheumatic pains in the limbs. Great dyspnoea and hurried breathing. Dry mouth without thirst or thirst for large quantities at long intervals. Better from warm drinks. Children grasp the cup wilh both hands. Camphora.- Vital depression. Face pale, skin cold and blue, inclination to uncover. Eruption does not come out. Various sequelae, particularly difficult and painful micturition. Carbo veg.- Persistent hoarseness after measles. Chamomilla.- Great restlessness, child wants to be carried. Very cross and fretful. Painful, watery diarrhoea. China.- Violent colic, with unquenchable thirst. Abdominal ailments with frequent stool. Debility and no fever. Coffea.- Nervous, restless agitation, preventing sleep. Dry, hacking cough, with constant tickling in the larynx. Cuprum acet.- Measles, bronchitis, delirium, wants to go home. Expectoration only during the night. On falling asleep, begins to talk, scold, turn, twist and scream; on being aroused, was perfectly rational; tongue and mouth red. Drosera.- Cough like whooping cough, or hollow, barking cough. Dulcamara.- Retrocession of the eruption from exposure to cold, damp air. Euphrasia.- Profuse, bland discharge from the nose, and of acrid running from the eyes, with photophobia. Cough only during the day. Ferrum phos.- Measles in all stages, especially in the initiatory and prodromic, also for the symptoms of inflammatory affections of the chest, eyes, or nose, or ears. Gelsemium.- After Aconite, great deal of coryza; drowsy and fever heat, no thirst. When the eruption turns livid, with cerebral symptoms. Rawness of the chest, with cough. Hepar sulph.- Crowpy cough, with rattling in the chest, but without expectoration, worse in the morning. Ipecac.- Eruption slow to appear, with oppression of the chest. Constant tickling cough with every breath and rattling of phlegm. Constant nausea and uneasiness in the stomach. Kali bichrom.- Cough, with rawness of the chest. Pustule on the cornea. Stitches in the left ear extending into the neck and head. Running of water from the eyes, with burning when opening them. Watery discharge from the nose, with great sensitiveness and ulceration of the nose. Loud rattling cough with tough, stringy expectoration. Kali mur.- For the hoarse cough, for all the glandular swellings and the furred tongue, with white or gray deposit, it is a remedy of prime importance. For the aftereffects of measles. Diarrhoea, whitish or light-colored, loose stools, white tongue. Deafness from swelling in the throat, etc. Kali stdph.- Suppressed rash, rash suddenly recedes with harsh and dry skin. This remedy will assist the returning of the rash. Mercurius.- Swelling of the glands of the throat, and difficult swallowing. Soreness of the throat and ulceration of the tonsils. Profuse secretion of saliva and fetid breath. Pit of the stomach very sensitive. Profuse sweat without relief. Nux vom.- Nose-stopped. Cough dry in the evening and loose in the morning. Phosphorus.- In complication with pneumonia, or typhoid symptoms come on. Violent exhaustive cough with tightness across the chest. Dry cough with vomiting. Hoarseness, and aphonia. Stitching pains in the chest, worse from coughing or breathing. Pulsatillti.- Inflammation of the eyes and photophobia; thick, yellow discharge from the nose; dryness of the mouth, without thirst; nightly diarrhoea, after previous rumbling in the bowels; rattling, loose cough, with expectoration of thick, yellow mucus; increase of all the symptoms towards evening; chronic; loose cough after measles. Sticta pultn.- Incessant dry or spasmodic cough, worse in the evening and during the night, with oppression of the chest and feeling as if a hard mass had collected there. Stramonium.- Sometimes before the eruption there is delirium with frightful visions of rats and mice, from which the patient tries to hide. Spasmodic symptoms in the pharynx and difficulty of swallowing. Sulphur.- The eruption does not come out and the catarrh becomes continually worse. Violent otalgia with purulent discharge. Chronic after complaints, otorrhoea, diarrhoea. Verat. alb.- Eruption develops slowly and is of a pale, livid color. Hemorrhages without relief. Burning heat with alternate cold extremities. Very frequent weak intermittent pulse. Verat. vir.- In the early stage with fever and pulmonary congestion. Cough, dyspnoea and pains in the chest. Concussions preceding the outbreak of the eruption. |
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