TreatmentThe treatment of epithelioma will depend, firstly, on whether the particular lesion in question is, or is not, in a curable condition. This is in reality the most serious question that the surgeon has to determine, and to its solution he should bring his best judgment, based on his knowledge and experience. If he decides that it is incurable, any operation would be a barbarity, and suggestive of charlantry; but if there is a good prospect for the thorough removal of the neoplasm, no time should be lost in carrying it into effect. The removal of epitheliomata may be effected in two ways. One of these is with the knife, and, when this is practicable, it is the best way; and there is but one rule to follow - cut widely and cut deeply. If for any reason the knife is impracticable, the diseased tissues may be destroyed by a sufficiently active chemical agent; and experience has shown that arsenic properly used is probably the most efficient means at our command. Now, there are two ways of using arsenic; one is to use it strong enough to destroy the cancer; and the other is to use a weaker preparation and destroy your patient by arsenical poisoning. The stronger the arsenical preparation the greater its local action; while the weaker it is, the less is its topical action, and the greater the probability of systemic absorption. Take anhydrous chloride of zinc and mix it with an equal weight of water - to this add sufficient arsenic to make a moderately stiff paste. This should be applied to the diseased parts in a reasonably thick layer with a little absorbent cotton as a top dressing. To this treatment there is one objection, namely, the severe pain that the arsenic will cause, which can only be mitigated by the free use of moiphine. If the lesion be of moderate size, and the application thorough, the falling slough will, in a week or two, reveal a healthy ulcer, which only requires a little time for complete healing. If the case has progressed beyond the period when a cure may reasonably be expected, the prudent surgeon will seek only to mitigate the patient's sufferings until death brings its release. Resorin grammes 30. Vaseline, grammes 100, applied daily, has cured some cases that were diagnosed as epithelioma. The parts were first cleansed with borax water. Aristol has been successfully used as a topical application. Its advantages over arsenic are its painlessness, and rapidity of action. Thuja is the principal internal remedy. Other remedies are: Sepia, Ars. alb. (malignant form), Condurango, Lapis alba, Nitric acid. A roundish ulcer, bluish-red and nodulated, bleeds upon slightest touch; burning pain which becomes almost unbearable, when eating or drinking, when touched by cold or warm food. Hoang nan. - Attacking especially the mucous surfaces. Petroleum. - Nodules on hands, wrists, arms, feet and legs; worse about wrists or wherever the dress is tight (palms and soles being free), less on face, neck and parts to which oily matters find access. Pimples itching on angle between scrotum and thigh, scabs in fold of left wing of nose. |
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