Remedies indicated Of internal remedies the following may be mentioned: Agaricus. - Favus with biting itching in the scalp; crusts sometimes spread to other parts of the body; sensation as if ice-cold needles were piercing the skin.; Arsenlcum alb. - The scalp is found perfectly dry and rough, covered with dry scales and scabs, extending sometimes even over the forehead, face, and ears. ; Arsenicum iod. - Scalp dry and rough, and covered with dry scales and scabs; extend to forehead, face and ears; intense itching and burning. Bromine. - Malignant scald head, oozing profusely; discharge dirty looking, offensive smelling; when the skin is dry, extreme tenderness of the scalp; crawling beneath the skin of the occiput. Calcarea carb. - Scabs are thick, and cover a quantity of thick pus; the scabs are large, every one-half of the entire scalp being covered with a single scab; eruption spreading to the face; burning and itching; glandular swellings on the neck. Clematis. - Eruption on occiput, extending down the neck, moist, sore, with crawling and stinging itching; often drying up in scales; itching worse when getting warm in bed, and but temporary relief by scratching. Cornus circinata. - Dry or moist eruption; scrofulosis with dry spasmodic cough, or tedious chronic cough, with mucous expectoration. Dulcamara. - In scrofulous children when the crusts are thick and their hair falls out; bleeding after scratching; glandular swellings in the neighbourhood of the eruption. Graphites. - Exudation of clear, glutinous fluid forming moist scabs; secretion from scratching; falling out of hair; skin dry and inclined to crack; tendency to ulceration. Jacea. - Thick incrustations, pouring out a large quantity of thick yellow fluid, which agglutinates the hair. Kali carb. - Exudation of moisture after scratching; sensitiveness to cold; frequent urination, especially at night; dryness and falling out of the hair, in old overtreated cases. Lappa major. - Scalp covered with a grayish-white crust, and most of the hair disappeared; eruption spreading over head, face, and neck; moist foul-smelling eruption on the head of children; swelling and suppuration of the axillary glands; boils all over the body. Lycopodium. - Eruption beginning on the back of the head; when there are several spots, and when the crusts are fetid; thick and bleed easily. Hunger, but a small quantity- of food fills him up. Mezereum. - Head covered with a thick leathery crust, under which pus collects and mats the hair; dry eruption on the head, with intolerable itching, as if the head were in an ant's nest. White, scaly, peeling off eruption on the scalp, extending over forehead and temples. Oleander. - Biting itching on the scalp, as if from vermin; worse back part of head and behind ears; better when first scratching it, followed by burning and soreness; worse evenings when undressing; humid, scaly, biting, itching eruption, especially on the back part of head. Phosphorus. - May be used when the follicles appear to have been destroyed and the scalp left smooth and shining. Psorinum. - Moist, suppurating, fetid eruption, or dry eruption; hair dry; lusterless, tangles easily; averse to having head uncovered; wears a fur cap even in hottest weather. Staphisagria. - Yellow, moist, offensive scales; falling out of the hair; humid, itching, fetid eruption on occiput, sides of the head, and behind ears; scratching changes the place of itching, but increases the oozing. Sulphur. - May be necessary to help along the action of the indicated drug. Ustilago. - When there is great moisture, with matting and falling of the hair. Vinca minor. - Offensive, moist eruption, with brownish crust; abundance of lice on the head; hair matted together; the hair falls out in single spots and white hairs grow there. Viola tricolor. - Thick crusts; hair becomes matted; urine smells like cat's urine. Swelling of the cervical glands; intolerable itching at night. |
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