Internal remediesAs for remedies, we should choose that one that meets all the symptoms of the case, and not some one that has been suggested for acne, for cases differ widely in their causes and symptoms. One of the following will likely be indicated: Antim. crud. - Small, red pimples about the face, and on the right shoulder, stinging when touched; acne in drunkards, with gastric derangements, severe thirst, and white coated tongue. Antimon. tart. - In obstinate cases, with longing for acids, and when there is a decided tendency to pustula-tion; the pustules are thickest on the neck and shoulders, and after discharging leave bluish-red cicatrices. May be used internally and locally. Arctium lappa. - Aggravated cases, with numerous small boils all over the body. Arsenicum. - In chronic cases where the skin is dry, rough, and dirty-looking, and when the eruption is most marked on the face and extremities; cachectic acne. Asimina. - Itching and pimples, appearing first on the left, then on the right side; pustular acne, with itching in the evening when undressing. Aurum. - Red pimples on the face; disposition to melancholy; disgust for life, with suicidal tendency; in onanists and syphilitics; after over-dosing with the iodide of potash. Baryta carb. - In obstinate cases, especially when the papules or pustules are interspersed with comedones; persons who take cold easily; wine drinkers; hysterical or scrofulous persons. Berberis vulg. - Red, burning, gnawing pimples, sensitive to pressure, surrounded by red areolae and leaving brown stains; adapted to indurated acne, associated with urinary or hemorrhoidal troubles; in women with scanty or suppressed menstruation; the patient complains of a good deal of chilliness. Belladonna. - Large, bright, red pimples on the face, back, and scapulae, especially in young, full-blooded people; fine stinging in the tips of the pimples; frequent congestion of the face and epistaxis; aggravation during profuse menses, pregnancy and confinement. Bovista. - Large, scattered pimples on the forehead; hard, red pimples, large as peas, on the chest, worse from scratching; in delicate women, with thick acrid or corrosive, greenish-yellow leucorrhoea, after the menses; ill-humor. Bromine. - Indurated acne in scrofulous individuals; aggravated by smoking; swelling and induration of the glands of the neck; prone to erysipelatous inflammation. Bryonia. - In dyspeptic cases, aggravated by eating cabbage, or warm food; or occasioned by suppressed perspiration; constipation as a rule. Calcarea carb. - Acne on the face and neck; when due to sexual excesses; redness of the nose in consequence of dysmenorrhoea or amenorrhoea; people who work much in water; scrofulous persons; always worse before the menses. Calcarea phos. - Has been used successfully for similar indications after the failure of the carbonate; chronic enlargement of the tonsils; red pimples full of yellow pus. In young people during puberty. Cannabis. - Meets acne rosacea better than simplex when there is morning aggravation with burning like fire; syphilitic patients with much headache on top of the head. Carbo veg. - Pimples on the nape of the neck; red pimples on the face and chin; young people with aggravation from eating butter or pork; lymphatic swellings with suppuration and burning pains; dyspeptics, when the most innocent food disagrees. Causiicum. - Eruption on the face, more felt than seen; yellow color of the face; papulous eruption between the eyebrows above the nose; dark-haired persons; in cases which have not been improved by Ars., Hepar, or Sulphur; aggravation from cold, with sensitiveness to cold air. Chelidoniwn. - Pimples and pustules in groups of three or four on the face, except the chin; chiefly on the left side; acne dependent upon liver derangement. Actea rac. - Acne in women, dependent upon gastric, ovarian, or uterine derangement; melancholy persons. Conium. - In obstinate, indurated acne occurring on the face; aggravation from suppressed menses; swelling of the parotid or submaxillary glands; fetid, smarting perspiration; adapted to scrofulous persons and old maids. Eugenia. - Pimples on the face which are painful for some distance around; at times useful in the indurated form. Granatum. - Pimples on the forehead and left temple with sore pain; they suppurate, and on drying leave nodules; itching in different parts of the body as if pimples would break out.Graphites. - Pimples in persons inclined to obesity; particularly females with disposition to delayed menstruation; aggravation during, after, and from suppressed menstruation; the skin is very dry, inclined to crack, and easily tends to ulceration. Hepar. - Painless pimples on the nape of the neck, forehead, and chin; crusty pimples on the face in young people; swelling and suppuration of glands; skin yellow and unhealthy, every small injury suppurates; cough with rattling in the chest but no expectoration. Iodine. - Indurated acne in scrofulous subjects with ulcers in the throat; adapted to young persons with dark hair and eyes; and rough, dry skin; skin insensible and of a dirty yellow color. Kali bich. - Face covered with a profuse eruption resembling acne; when pustules form they resemble smallpox pustules; in persons with loud rattling cough and stringy expectoration; especially suitable for fat, light-haired persons. Kali carb. - Small pimples on the face, chest, and back, with redness and swelling; deficient perspiration; cases aggravated by suppressed menses; rough, chapped skin of the hands; dry, parched skin of the face; persons inclined to pulmonary difficulties. Kali mur. - Pimples on the face with thick white contents, caused by a disturbed action of the follicular glands. Kreosote. - Acne worse after menstruation, or from getting heated; dry pimples on the forehead; greasy pimples on the right cheek and chin; sad and irritable individuals, always worse after the menses, or from getting heated. Ledum. - Red pimply eruption on the face; small pimples on the root of the nose; in rheumatic persons or drunkards, also when greatly aggravated by heat. Lycopodium. - Red pimples in clusters, between the scapulae and on the nape of the neck; after the failure of Stdph., Rhus, or Hepar; dyspeptic ailments; red sand in the urine; cold feet; constipation. Mercitrius sol. - Indolent bluish-red papules, especially on the lower extremities; dirty yellow color of the skin, with glandular swellings; in syphilitis and scrofulous persons. Mezereum. - Single pimples on the thighs; red pustules with inflamed areolae on the outer side of the extremities; in scrofulous individuals, and in persons who have already taken mercury; in those who have attacks of intercostal neuralgia. Nabalus. - Pimples on the face, about the nose, upper lip and chin. Natrum mur. - When the skin between the acne points look as if besmeared with oil; aggravated after violent exercise, and periodically. Nitric ac. - Many small pimples on the forehead, just below the hair; painful pimples on the chin with hard, red areolae; skin dry, scaly; brown-red spots on the skin; after the abuse of mercury; dryness of the tongue and throat; itching mostly at night. Nux juglans. - Variously sized reddish pimples and pustules on the face, chiefly around the mouth; large, painful blood-boils on the shoulders, and in the hepatic region; adapted to all stages of acne. Nux vom. - Dyspepsia with constipation; small fetid ulcers in the mouth and fauces; persons who use coffee, wine or liquors, tobacco, or who have been allopathically drugged; sedentary habits. Phos. ac. - Smooth, red pimples with red areolae on the forearm, knees and leg; large, red pimples on the face and scapulae, only sensitive to the touch; acne in weakly persons, onanists, and victims of spermatorrhoea; also when due to suppressed perspiration, or loss of animal fluids. Phosphorus. - Acne in persons predisposed to bronchial and lung trouble; of hemorrhagic diathesis; lean and slender individuals with painless diarrhoea; aggravated from salt and camphor. Picric add. - Severe and chronic cases; eruption on face, especially on chin and along edges of the sides of the nose on either side, of indurated and elevated papules, dark red, painless, but sore to touch, upon the surface of which small pustules develop. Potass, bromide. - Acne on the face, neck and shoulders, with peculiar yellow points which neither coalesce nor burst; frontal headache at night; adapted to both the simple and indurated forms. Potass, iodide. - Papulous eruption all over, but especially cm the face and the shoulders; painful sensitiveness, worse at night; in mercurial and syphilitic affections. Pidsat. - Acne in mild, gentle persons, or pale, slender individuals; delayed or scanty menses; predisposition to catarrh or diarrhoea; gastric difficulties; aggravated by rich or fat food, pork, pastry, etc. Rhus tox. - Acne in hard drinkers or persons addicted lo sexual excesses; rheumatic individuals, always worse during rest; aggravated after getting wet and cold; debility and tired feeling nearly all the time. Robinia. - Hard pimples, which take a great while to suppurate; great tendency of tumors to become indurated; in. dyspeptics with sour stomach, worse at night; nocturnal emissions; increased sexual desire. Rumex. - Dense rash of small red pimples; eruptions aggravated by wearing flannel; itching on various parts, worse while undressing. Ruta. - Itching over the whole body relieved by scratching; all parts of the body upon which he lies feel sore. Sabina. - Acne during pregnancy; desponding and hypochondriac; desire for acid things. Sarsaparilla. - Acne on the nose and face, worse during the menstrual period; acne after the abuse of mercury, after gonorrhoea suppressed by mercury; burning itching of the eruption. Sepia. - Acne on the chin, aggravated during menstruation and pregnancy; pimples on the mons veneris, legs and flexures of the joints; skin dirty-yellow and scurfy; ailments following vaccination and self-abuse. Silicea. - Obstinate cases in scrofulous persons; fetid sweat of the feet; constipation; aggravated from drinking wine, from getting cold or wet. Sulphur. - In acne vulgaris with black pores in the face; red, itching pimples on the nose, lip, around the chin, and on the forearm; furunculosis; chronic cases. Sumbid. - Smooth, small, reddish spots on the forehead; black pores on the face; the least draught of air is felt down the spine; debility. Thuja. - Acne, especially on the wings of the nose; dirty, brownish color of the skin; sweet, honey-like perspiration; aggravated during menses; after overheating; after eating fat meat, onions, acids and sweets; after drinking beer or wine; after using tobacco, sulphur and mercury. Verat. alb. - Pimples on the right labium just before menstruation. |
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