What is the prognosis of Lichen planus? The duration of disease activity is related to the site of involvement. Isolated mucosal involvement portends a more chronic course, perhaps lasting decades. Additionally, patients with oral LP are at increased risk of squamous cell carcinoma arising within chronic lesions. Conversely, isolated cutaneous involvement typically resolves spontaneously within 1 to 2 years. Patients with both mucosal and cutaneous lesions typically have an intermediate prognosis. Certain clinical subtypes, such as ulcerative, palmoplantar, and actinic LP, are more persistent and recalcitrant to treatment. Twenty percent of patients may relapse after an initial clearing. Carbone M, Arduino PG, Carrozzo M, et al: Course of oral lichen planus: a retrospective study of 808 northern Italian patients, Oral Dis 15:235–243, 2009. |
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