What causes postinflammatory hyperpigmentation?
Treatment includes bleaching creams, such as hydroquinone, tretinoin, and azelaic acid; however, if the pigmentation is significantly deep, topical management does not often augment the body’s normal, albeit slow, corrective mechanisms. Bleaching agents containing >4% hydroquinone may cause exogenous ochronosis, with a resultant blue-gray discoloration of the skin. Patients from countries in Africa and Europe may have access to harsh bleaching agents without prescription, and should be warned against such use. Disorders such as inflammatory acne, occurring in dark skin types, should be treated early and aggressively, to prevent pigmentary alterations. Olumide YM, Akinkugbe AO, Altraide D, et al: Complications of chronic use of skin lightening cosmetics, Int J Dermatol 47:344–353, 2008. | ||||
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