Treatment The treatment of this affection is simple. As a rule, nothing more is required than a little dressing-powder, or a sedative lotion; and if the parts are left at rest the erosions will be covered with new epithelium in a few days. Should ulcerations have occurred, they may be lightly touched with the solid nitrate of silver, and small pieces, of linen may be placed between folds of mucous membrane that are lying in contact. These should be frequently changed, and the parts kept clean with warm water and soap. When the affection assumes the relapsing form, patients will go from one physician to another, seeking a permanent cure, which we regret to say they will rarely attain until they reach the age at which the trouble tends to disappear spontaneously. The internal treatment and the indications for the remedies are as follows: Aconite. - In the earlier stages with catarrhal fever. Agnus castus. - Herpes on the cheeks with gnawing itching, worse from getting wet. Alnus rubra. - Chronic herpes. Apis mel. - Large confluent vesicles; burning stinging pains; vesicular eruption on the lips; cold sores. Arsen. alb. - Red herpetic skin around the mouth, with burning, worse from scratching and after midnight. Herpes iris. Aurum mur. - Herpes on the prepuce and vulva. Herpes accompanied by intolerable itching. Bufo. - Herpetic eruption after a cold. Causticum. - Burning vesicles under the prepuce, which become suppurating ulcers. Burning vesicles on the face which, when touched, exude a corrosive water, afterward they dry up to a scurf. Cantharis. - Large, burning painful blisters with erysipe-latous inflammation of the parts. Burning, tearing ulcerative pains, worse on the right side. Urinary complications. Clematis. - Itching blisters on the lower lip. Gnawing itching not relieved by scratching. Worse during increasing, better during decreasing moon. Graphites. - Herpes in females with scanty menstruation; burning blisters on the lower side and tip of the tongue; dryness of the skin. Hamamelis. - Herpes on the nose. Profuse epistaxis. Helleb. nig. - White vesicles on the lips; aphthae in the mouth; in scrofulous children. Hepar. - Herpes which tend to recur; herpes on the prepuce, exceedingly sensitive to the touch; small ulcers form around the large one; unhealthy suppurating skin, after mercurial poisoning. Kali bich. - Herpes after taking cold; fluent coryza; all the secretions are of a stringy and ropy character. Mercurius sol. - Herpes on the prepuce with a tendency to suppuration; ulcers on the glands; itching of the genitals. Moschus. - Herpes, with excessive burning, in hysterical subjects; menstruation too early and too profuse. Natrum mur. - Herpes occurring during fevers; eruption en the lips and flexures of the joints; vesicles on the tongue; itching and pricking in the skin. Petroleum. - Herpes on the perineum and genitals; itching worse in the open air. Rhus tox. - Herpes upon the hairy parts with burning and stinging; itching worse after scratching; rheumatic pains with great weakness. Sepia. - Herpetic eruptions around the lips; herpes during pregnancy, circular foni of epilepsy. Sulphur. - Herpes about the mouth and nose with itching and burning, aggravated by warmth. Hot palms and soles. Sarsaparilla. - Herpes on the prepuce; after abuse of mercury. Upas. - Herpetic eruption on the upper lip, on the left side. |
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