Hydroa Under the head of neurotic diseases, and in connection with herpes, attention may be directed to certain vesicular or bullous forms of eruption, which have been described by Bazin under the term of arthritic hydroa. He distinguishes three varieties of hydroa: 1. Hydroa vesiculeux. 2. Hydroa vacciniforme, confounded with aphthae chronique. 3. Hydroa bulleux. Hydroa vesiculeux is generally confounded by authors with erythema papulatum. First, as regards Seat, "It is developed on the cutaneous and mucous surfaces. On the skin it exists ordinarily on the uncovered parts - back of the hands and wrists and on the front of the knees, etc. In most cases the buccal mucous membrane is affected, and then the eruption occupies by preference the lower lip and the inside of the cheeks, and appears after its development on the skin. However, in one of our cases, the base of the uvula was surrounded by a circle of vesicles. The conjunctiva may also be the seat of this eruption. |
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