Therapeutic Hints For the mucous tubercles the main remedies are: Cinnaba., Nitr. ac, Thuja. Fig-warts, when complicated with gonorrhoea, require Thuja, Cinnaba., Nitr. ac, Sulph., Lycopodium. When complicated with chancre, Cinnaba., Nitr. ac, Phos. ac, Staph., Thuja. When fiat. Magnes, Nitr. ac. When exuberant, like cauliflower or mulberries, Thuja, Staph. When fan-shaped, Cinnaba. When growing on pedicles, Lycopod., Nitr. ac. When conical, Merc, solub. When dry, Thuja, Staph., Merc, solub., Nitr. ac, Lycopod. When moist, suppurating, Nitr. ac, Thuja, Sulph., Euphras. When soft, spongy, Sulphur. When intolerably burning and itching, Sabina. Cinnabar. - Fan-shaped fig-warts accompanied by tetter. In scrofulous infants and children. Euphrasia. - Fig-warts at the anus. Mercur. cor. - Dry fig-warts, or else fig-warts accompanied by acrid discharges. Soft, flat condylomata. Mercurius nit. - Filiform fig-warts. Mercurius proecip. ruber. - Fissured condylomata. Mercur. sol. - Conical fig-warts; small, itching pimples which ulcerate and become incrusted; mild types. Nitr. ac. - Pediculated and pen-shaped, moist condylomata; fig-warts on the glans. Sabina. - Condylomata attended with itching and burning. Sarsaparilla. - Flat fig-warts. Staphisagria. - Cock's-comb-shaped fig-warts. Sulphur. - Soft, spongy fig-warts. Thuja. - Cauliflower excrescences. Condylomata on the penis, vulva and about the anus; broad, flat condylomata; after iritis, tubercles or warty excrescences on the iris. |
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