Homoeopathic remedies The principal homoeopathic internal remedies are Hydrocotyle, Hoang nan and Piper methysficum. Others may be indicated as follows: Anacardium. - Numbness and feeling of pins and needles in affected parts, which are cold; patches of raised and hardened skin on face and arms; perfect anaesthesia of affected parts; weakness and prostration. Alumina. - Copper-colored tubercles in face; leprous spots on legs; lips swollen; nose heavy; husky voice; hyperaesthesia; ulcers on planta pedis. Arsenicum. - Yellow or white spots; tubercular swelling in nose; burning ulcers at the ends of the fingers, at the toes, soles of feet, navel, cheek; raised up tubercles; loss of hair and eyebrows; livid tubercles on any part of the body; hyperaesthesia and anaesthesia alternating; general prostration. Arsen. iocl. - Pricking sensation in the skin; loss of the voice; enlargement of the glands; hoarse cough; falling off of the fingers and toes; ozaena; tubercles dirty looking. Aurum. - Melancholy disposition; discharge from the nares very offensive; absorption of the bones of the nose; has no desire to talk about sickness. Calotropis gig. - Tubercular leprosy; lassitude, indisposition to move; loss of energy; apathy and obstruction of the capillaries; intolerable itching over the whole body. Carica papaya. - Tubercular leprosy. Colocynth. - Desquamation of the whole epidermis; abscess of axilla. Crotalus. - Swelling of the limbs or body; spots appearÂing like gangrene. Cuprum. - Leprous eruptions; cramps; suffocating spells. Graphites. - Leprous spots, coppery, annular, raised on the face, ears, buttocks, legs, and feet; ulcers on toes, crusts in nostrils; skin cracks and discharges a sticky fluid. Hydrocotyle. - Well-marked cases of tubercular leprosy; leonine face; nose flattened and swollen; lobes of the ears pendulous and swollen; ulcers in the alae nasi and corners of the mouth; ears discharge; hands and feet swollen so that fingers and toes spread apart; itching of any part of body; feeling of lassitude; yellowish or reddish spots on the trunk and extremities. Iodum. - Emaciation marked; swelling of the glands; when mercury has been taken in large quantities; loss of voice and hoarseness; voracious appetite. Kali bichrom. - Brownish colored spots; ulcers with an unhealthy look; blisters on the extremities; little boil or pustules on any part of body; thick, tough discharge from nose; hard plugs in nose; thick, yellow, putrid discharge from the ears; ulcers on tongue and on cornea. Kreosote. - Soreness on the nose; swollen gums; painful ulcers; wheals like urticaria; numbness in different parts of the body. Lachesis. - Spots yellow, red, green, lead and copper colored, pale livid; hard and pale swelling; large boils; ulcers surrounded by nodes and vesicles; the muscles fall off in shreds from the bones; bloody serum discharge from the nose, ears and mouth; obstinate ulcers with black spots in the granulations. Madam album.. - The whole surface of the skin becomes leprous; livid and gangrenous tubercles; thickening of the whole skin. Mercurius. - Falling out of the teeth; absorption of the small bones; swollen gums; sore tongue; flat indolent ulcers. Natrium carb. - Spots and tubercles all over the face, arms, thighs, legs, which ulcerate; ulcers in the nostrils and on the heels. Petroleum. - Tubercles on the face; herpetic and tuberculous spots on the body; ulcers of fingers, tibia; unhealthy skin with brown spots; skin dries and forms deep cracks; falling out of hair; hyperaesthesia of scalp and ears folÂlowed by anaesthesia; hoarseness, suffocating cough, numbness, of extremities. Phosphorus. - Later stages of the disease; brown spots on an even base; boils; spots like blood blisters on the body; tubercles on the trunk, buttocks; thick patches on face and arms; discolored borders around the white spots; hair falls out; tension in the fingers, and dullness towards the end; great debility with increase of sexual desire. Rhus tox. - Scalp sensitive, cannot bear to have the hair touched; pulsation in the ears; loss of smell; swollen face so that patient is not recognized; tubercles with sharply defined margins; bright red skin, violent itching; hardness and thickening of skin on any part of body. Secale. - Can hardly talk, the tongue will not respond to the will; fingers and toes drop off; falling out of the hair; eyes look sunken; cold, dried-up-looking skin. Sepia. - Swelling of forehead, around temples; face thick, covered with tubercles; leonine face, pendant ears; eyes red, dull, weeping; purulent discharge from nose; tubercles and spots all over the body; gnawing ulcers on fingers and toes; excoriation at the tip of tongue; discharge from the swollen ears; nose and lower lip swollen; red herpetic spots at the elbow and hip; herpetic sores; white spots and ulcers on the articulations of the fingers; coppery tubercular spots all over the body, especially on the buttocks, arm-pits; tubercles on the face, trunk, buttocks, prepuce; brownish spots on face; skin peels off from hands and feet; nails look dried up and deformed; falling out of the hair and eyebrows; loss of smell; breath offensive. Silicea. - Induration of nose, with ulceration and discharge; palsied hands; white spots on cheeks; coppery spots and hard tubercles on testicles and buttocks; ulcers at tips of fingers; shortening of the hamstrings. Sulphur. - The usual antipsoric indications. Woorari. - Obstinate boils that will not heal; slowly forming and suppurating pimples; dirty looking skin; blood oozes through the skin; tubercles on nose; stoppage of nose, with swelling of parts; falling of the hair; swelling of the lobes of ears; falling out of the teeth; discharge of matter from the ears; tonsils inflame and suppurate. Hura Bras., Guano, Helleborous foetidus and Veronita may be compared. |
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