Subjective Symptoms Burning: Amm. carb., Ars., Lyco., Nit. ac., Petrol., Pho., Rhus t., Sep., Sulph., Thuja. Itching: Calc. c, Carb. a., Euphr., Hep., Ka. carb., Nit. ac, Pho., Psor., Sep., Sulph., Thuja. Painful: Ars., Amm. carb., Ant. cr., Bar. c, Bovis., Cal c, Caust., Con., Euphr., Hep., Ka. carb., Lyco., Nat. carb., Nat. mur., Nit. ac, Petrol., Pho., Rhus t, Sabi., Sep., Sil., Staph., Sulph., Thuja. ameliorated on the appearance of menses: Thuja, preventing rest at night: Ars. like a boil: Calc. c. cutting: Nat. mur. drawing, in an old w. on upper lip: Con. pricking: Ant. cr., Calc. c, Lyco., Nit. ac, Petrol., Rhus tox., Sep., Sil., Sulph. in the evening in bed: Petrol. pulsating (beating or throbbing): Ars., Calc. c, Caust., Hep., Ka. carb., Lyco., Nit. ac, Petrol., Sep. Sil., Sulph. shooting: Ars., Bovis. with pains, sticking: Hep. Nit. ac. stinging: Amm. carb., Ant. cr., Bar. c, Calc. c, Caust., Euphr., Hep., Lyco., Nitr. ac, Rhus t, Sep., Sil., Staph., Sulph., Thuja. as if ulceration would set in: Hep. tearing: Amm. carb. throbbing: See pulsating. extending up the arm to the axilla, from a malignant wart on the hand, rendering the arm useless: Ars. Soreness of: Ambra., Ars., Hep., Lach., Nat. carb, Nat. mur., Nit. ac., Petrol., Ruta, Sabi., Thuja. Tickling (see itching): Sulph., Thuja. Condylomata, mercury; after the abuse of: Aur., Lyco., Nit. ac, Staph. women, particularly in: Merc, d., Sabi. |
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