Objectively Considered Bleeding: Arg. n., Medor., Nit. ac, Sulph., Thuja. Broad: Ac. ac, Euphr., Merc, d., Nit. ac, Thuja. Bulbous: Alum. Cauliflower or mulberry like: Staph., Thuja. Chancre, complicated with: Arg. n., Cinnab., Ka. bichr., Merc, sol., Nat. sulph., Nit. ac, Pho. ac, Staph., Thuja. after: Kali iod. Cock's comb shape: Euphr., Staph., Sulph. Conical: Ka. mur., Merc, v., Thuja. Dry: Ac. ac, Chinnab., Lyco., Merc, c, Merc, v., Nit. ac., Sars., Staph., Thuja. Fan-shaped: Cinnab., Thuja. Filiform: Staph. Flat: Ac. ac, Euphr., Nit. ac, Sars., Sulph., Thuja. Gonorrhoea, complicated with: Cinnab., Con., Ka. mur., Lyco., Merc, c, Nit. ac, Pic ac, Puls., Sars., Sulph., Thuja. Moist (discharging): Ac. ac, Benz. ac, Calc. c, Euphr., Graph., Hep., Ka. iod., Lyco., Medor., Merc, d., Nat. sulph., Nit. ac, Psor., Sanic, Staph., Sulph., Thuja. discharging profuse: Benz. ac, Medor. greenish : Nat. sulph, offensive: Medor., Merc, d., Nit. ac. smelling like fish-brine: Sanic. herring-brine: Calc. c, Graph., Hep., Thuja. old cheese: Calc. c, Hep., Thuja. yellow fluid: Medorrh. Moon, worse with the increase of the: Thuja. Mulberry or cauliflower like: Staph., Thuja. Old, long standing in cachectic subjects: Ka. iod. Pedicles, growing on. See pedunculated. Pedunculated: Lyco., Nit. ac, Sabi., Staph. Softandspongy: Alum., Nat. sulph., Sulph. Split: Lyco., Nit. ac, Thuja. Strawberry-like: Medor. Suppurating (see Moist): Ka. iod., Nit. ac, Thuja. Tubular: Thuja. Ulcers elevated, which have the appearance as if w. would grow out of them: Cinnab. Wart-shaped: Benz. Ac., Nit. ac, Nux vom., Sars., Sulph., Thuja. White: Lyco, |
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