Lamellar Ichthyosis (Nonbullous Congenital Ichthyosiform Erythroderma, Nonbullous CIE)

Figure 2.33 A: Lamellar ichthyosis* B: Lamellar ichthyosis* C: Lamellar ichthyosis* * Courtesy of Dr. Paul Getz
Figure 2.33
A: Lamellar ichthyosis*
B: Lamellar ichthyosis*
C: Lamellar ichthyosis*
* Courtesy of Dr. Paul Getz
(Figure 2.33A–C)
  • AR, mutation in TGM1 gene (transglutaminase deficiency) or ABCA12 mutation (ATP binding cassette A12)
  • Presents at birth with collodion membrane with underlying erythroderma → evolves to thick, dark scales with prominent flexural involvement; no improvement with age
  • Associated ectropion, eclabium, scarring alopecia
  • PPK, heat intolerance (heat stroke), hypernatremia
  • Histology: massive orthokeratotic hyperkeratosis, acanthosis