Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS)

Figure 4.8 A: Toxic shock syndrome (Reprint from Morgan MB, Smoller BR, Somach SC. Deadly Dermatologic Diseases. New York, NY: Springer; 2007) B: Carbuncle C: Abscess
Figure 4.8
A: Toxic shock syndrome
(Reprint from Morgan MB,
Smoller BR, Somach SC.
Deadly Dermatologic Diseases.
New York, NY: Springer; 2007
B: Carbuncle
C: Abscess
(Figure 4.8A)
  • Multisystem illness due to S.aureus, initially in women with use of superabsorbent tampons, but now more commonly seen in infections with wounds, catheters, deep abscesses, or nasal packing
  • Superantigen-mediated TSST-1 results in polyclonal T-cell activation → cytokine storm (TNF, IL-1, etc)
  • Presentation:
    • Four criteria: fever, hypotension, macular exanthem, and involvement of three or more organ systems
    • Exanthem: diffuse scarlatiniform exanthem on trunk spreading outward, palmoplantar edema, and erythema (with desquamation 1–3 weeks later), hyperemia of conjunctiva
  • Treatment: remove any nidus of infection, parenteral β-lactamase resistant antibiotic, and fluid support