Name the common types of warts.

Common types of warts. A, Flat warts of the face presenting as multiple 1- to 2-mm papules. B, Multiple common warts of the hands and feet. C, Condyloma acuminatum of the penis presenting as moist cauliflower-like papillomas. (Panels A and B courtesy of James E. Fitzpatrick, MD; panel C courtesy of Scott Norton, MD.)
Fig. 26.1 Common types of warts. A, Flat warts of the face presenting as multiple 1- to 2-mm papules. B, Multiple common warts of the hands and feet. C, Condyloma acuminatum of the penis presenting as moist cauliflower-like papillomas. (Panels A and B courtesy of James E. Fitzpatrick, MD; panel C courtesy of Scott Norton, MD.)
HPV infection is highly specific for epidermis, especially extremities, palms, and soles, but also the scalp and mucosal surfaces such as the mouth, larynx, genital areas, and rectal mucosa. Some types of HPV have a predilection for infection in certain locations in the body (Table 26-1). For example, flat warts are seen mostly on the face and hands of children and are often caused by HPV types 3 and 10 (Fig. 26-1A). Common warts occur most often on the fingers and periungual skin and are commonly due to HPV types 2, 4, and 29 (Fig. 26-1B). Warts in immunosuppressed patients are caused by HPV type 8 and others (Fig. 26-1C).