What are common side effects of treatment methods?

Side effects of wart treatment. A, Painful blisters produced by cantharidin. B, Fairy ring formation of warts on the wrist, at the periphery of a blister produced by previous liquid nitrogen therapy.  (Panel A courtesy of Brenda Kokomo, MD; panel B courtesy of James E. Fitzpatrick, MD.)
Fig. 26.3 Side effects of wart treatment. A, Painful blisters produced by cantharidin. B, Fairy ring formation of warts on the wrist, at the periphery of a blister produced by previous liquid nitrogen therapy. (Panel A courtesy of Brenda Kokomo, MD; panel B courtesy of James E. Fitzpatrick, MD.)
  • Scarring (liquid nitrogen, laser, acids, cantharidin)
  • Blistering (liquid nitrogen, cantharidin, topical 5-fluorouracil, bleomycin) (Fig. 26-3A)
  • Allergy (cantharidin, chemotherapeutic agents, tretinoin, acids, glutaraldehyde)
  • Persistent hyper- or hypopigmentation (liquid nitrogen)