Do chiggers burrow into the skin to lay eggs like the sand flea?

Chigger bites. Note that they tend to accentuate under areas of pressure by clothing. (Courtesy of the Fitzsimons Army Medical Center teaching files.)
Fig. 33.7 Chigger bites. Note that they tend to accentuate under areas of pressure by clothing. (Courtesy of the Fitzsimons Army Medical Center teaching files.)
They usually do not burrow beneath the skin, but the larval forms attach via their mouth parts (adults do not bite) and feed on tissue juices and lymph. They may feed for a few days if not removed, although the intense itching usually starts within a few hours after attachment. They prefer to feed in areas where the clothing is found in close contact with the skin, such as under socks and belts (Fig. 33-7). In some parts of Asia, they are a vector of scrub typhus and may be discouraged from attachment by wearing proper clothing, permethrin repellents, and by washing in hot, soapy water.