What are morgellons? There are those who believe that many, if not most, patients diagnosed with delusions of parasitosis actually have infestations with small parasites known as morgellons. Complaining of stinging or biting sensations, patients will present with fibers and serum crusts, claiming that these are the creatures that exited the skin. Most reported victims live in California, central Texas, and Florida. Those who believe that morgellons are an unrecognized and underdiagnosed health threat have at various times linked them with latent Lyme disease, biologic contamination from meteorites, and clandestine bioweapons gone awry. Treatment is difficult but usually involves prolonged courses of antibiotics and homeopathic therapies. Health care providers should be aware there are Websites showing images of plant and clothing fibers, mixed with scale crust, that are positively identified as “morgellons.” In addition, there are weblogs describing how ignorant physicians are ignoring their patients’ needs and suggesting where they can go for a sympathetic ear and what products they may buy to get a cure. |
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