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Psychocutaneous Diseases

»How do the fields of psychiatry and dermatology overlap?
»What types of psychocutaneous disease are encountered in dermatology?
»How often do patients with dermatologic disorders have associated psychologic morbidity?
»What is the differential diagnosis of patients who complain that they are infested with parasites?
»Define obsession or compulsion, phobia, delusion, and hallucination.
»What is “delusions of parasitosis”?
»How do you diagnose this disorder?
»How do you treat this problem?
»What are the major side effects of pimozide?
»What if the patient is noncompliant with pimozide treatment?
»What is Ekbom syndrome?
»What is dysmorphophobia?
»Name the three major categories of self-inflicted skin lesions. What differentiates them?
»What are the clinical manifestations of dermatitis artefacta?
»How should patients with dermatitis artefacta be treated?
»What is the Gardner-Diamond syndrome?
»How do Munchausen syndrome and Munchausen syndrome by proxy differ?
»What is the differential diagnosis of patchy nonscarring alopecia?
»What is the psychiatric diagnosis associated with trichotillomania?
»How do you differentiate among the different forms of nonscarring alopecia?
»Can a biopsy help in the differential diagnosis of patchy nonscarring alopecia?
»What is trichotemnomania?
»What are neurotic excoriations?
»How do you treat this disorder?
»What are the side effects of fluoxetine?
»What is glossodynia?
»Name some primary dermatologic disorders that might result in secondary psychiatric problems. What sorts of problems might these patients have?
»Can stress exacerbate a primary dermatologic disorder?


What are the clinical manifestations of dermatitis artefacta?

Young man with factitial panniculitis. The patient was injecting unknown substances into his legs in an attempt to get doctors to provide him with narcotic agents. (Courtesy of James E. Fitzpatrick, MD.)
Fig. 66.3 Young man with factitial panniculitis. The patient was injecting unknown substances into his legs in an attempt to get doctors to provide him with narcotic agents. (Courtesy of James E. Fitzpatrick, MD.)
Patient-induced ulceration and scars of the scalp.
Fig. 66.2 Patient-induced ulceration and scars of the scalp.
The self-inflicted lesions vary widely in morphology and distribution. Depending on the method used, it is possible to see blisters from suction cups, burns from caustic chemicals or cigarettes, edema and ulcerations from the use of elastic bands, or deep scars from the use of glass or knives. Lesions are often bizarre and irregularly rectilinear (Figs. 66-2 and 66-3). They are necessarily within reach. Dermatitis artefacta is more common in women.

Koblenzer CS: Dermatitis artefacta: clinical features and approaches to treatment, Am J Clin Dermatol 1:47–55, 2000.