Local Treatment The local treatment consists in first allaying the acute inflammatory symptoms, if any exist, and involves the employment of various lotions, glyceroles, ointments, oils, plasters, powders and soaps. It is not always an easy matter to say what will soothe in any particular case. Bran infusion, or decoction of marsh-mallow or poppy heads, to which a little clarified size has been added, are very good applications to start with as lotions night and morning. The linimentum aquae calcis is sometimes efficacious. During the first and second stages the solution of the peroxide of hydrogen is of great value. The commercial article usually contains twelve volumes of the peroxide, and is too strong to apply in many cases of eczema, and may require dilution with one or two parts of water or even more. The effect of this solution in many cases appears almost magical, reducing the purulent exudation, and hastening the formation of a new epidermis. Dilute alkaline preparations, especially a solution of carbonate of soda, are useful for cleansing purposes, and, to a certain extent, for the relief of pruritus. Strong alkaline preparations, such as liquor potassae, green soap, and its tincture, have a distinct function to perform in the reduction of thickened epidermis, in eczema of the hands and feet and in the removal of infiltration. If a patch of greatly infiltrated eczema be painted with liquor potassae, in a few moments little droplets of serum will be seen upon the surface. If that be wiped off, fresh serum exudes, and this continues for some minutes. When the tendency to exudation ceases, the parts should be wiped dry and a sedative ointment applied. The application is repeated on the second or third day, according to the degree of irritation produced, and this is continued until several applications have been made. The result will be a notable reduction of the infiltration. Should the itching prove obstinate, a weak carbolized oil and lime water lotion, or a grindelia robusta lotion, one drachm to the ounce of water may be used. The following lotion I have found very useful to allay the terrible itching present in some cases, and to soften the texture of the scalp and reduce the inflammation. At the same time give internally Lappa major 2x or 3x tablets. |
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