Eczema in obese persons In obese persons an eczema may arise from the irritation produced by the confinement of the cutaneous secretions by overlapping folds of skin, as under pendulous breasts and in the groin between the thigh and genitals. In these, simple dusting powders, with separation of the parts by linen, will often accomplish all that is required. We now come to the consideration of the most important of the means of cure of eczema, and one in which Homoeopathy has won some of her brightest laurels, - the internal treatment. Indications for the remedies are as follows: Aconite. - Acute eczema in plethoric persons. Alumina. - Dry, thin subjects and old people with constipated bowels; the slightest bruise of the skin smarts; brittle nails; much itching with no relief from scratching; the patient feels as if the white of egg had dried on the surface; itching aggravated in the evening and from the heat of the bed, and every other day; and, in the open air. Ammon. carb. - Eczema in the bends of the extremities; excoriations between the legs, and about the anus and genitals; violent itching relieved by scratching. Aggravated by either cold applications or hot poultices; in children. Ammon. mur. - Eczema on the face and across the loins; intense burning, somewhat relieved by cold applications; constipation; in fat, sluggish individuals. Anacardium. - Acute eczema on the face, neck and chest. Tubercles on the scalp, sore when touched; violent, itching, worse at night, and after scratching; redness of the skin with eruption of small vesicles; rough, exfoliating skin around the mouth, burning around the lips as from pepper; sensitiveness to draught. Antimon. crud. - Eczema with gastric derangement; violent thirst; white coated tongue; yellowish, tenacious discharge; violent itching; aggravated from wet poultices, from bathing and working in water, from alcoholic drinks and in the sun. Antimon. tart. - Pustular eczema with bronchitis; violent itching, suppurative rash, particularly on the occiput, chest and arms; sleepiness with nausea; rattling cough; irritable; wants to be carried; complains when touched. Apis. - Eczema with renal troubles, scanty urine, no thirst; tendency to dropsical swellings; burning and stinging in the skin; aggravated from heat, ameliorated from cold water and scratching. Argent, nitr. - Eczema on the genitals; urging to urinate; in children who eat too much sweets. Arsen. alb. - All forms accompanied by intense burning of the skin; fetid or purulent discharge or dry, scaly eruption; falling out of the hair in patches here and there, leaving the skin dry and dirty looking; dry, parchment-like skin; thirsty, drinking little and often; aggravated after midnight, from cold, in open air and from scratching with bleeding afterward; ameliorated from heat. Arundo Maurit. - Eruption on the chest, upper extremities and behind the ears. Intolerable itching, crawling sensation, especially over the loins and shoulders; in young children. Astacus fluv. - Thick crusts on the scalp; enlargement of the lymphatic glands; clay-colored stools. Aurum. - Old persons with mercurial symptoms; suicidal tendencies; constant desire to be in the open air even in bad weather. Baryta carb. - Eczema capitis, with falling out of the hair and swelling of the adjacent glands; fat, dumpy children; timidity in the presence of strangers; chronic disposition to swelling of the tonsils or glands of the neck; takes cold easily; aggravation at night and from scratching; ameliorated when walking in the open air. Bellad. - Eczema on the face with scarlet redness, burning, itching eruption, sensitive to the touch; in teething children, with tendency to convulsions; oversensitive, excitable persons. Borax. - Eczema on the face and scalp; red, papulous eruption around the cheeks and chin; excoriating secretions; aphthous difficulties; slight injuries suppurate; dread of slight downward motion. Bovista. - Eczema about the mouth and nostrils; general lassitude, especially in the joints; patient wants to urinate immediately after micturition; constipation; perspiration smells like onions; aggravated from warmth; grocers' itch; moist vesicular eruption with formation of thick crusts; eruption on the thighs and bends of the knees; on the back of the hand; swelling of the upper lip; burning, itching; no relief from scratching, symptoms worse during hot weather; the skin of the fingers becomes dented by the use of the scissors or other instruments. Bromine. - Profuse oozing of a dirty, nasty-smelling discharge; eczema covering the head as with a cap; crawling sensation beneath the scalp, with sensitiveness to the touch; glands of the neck hard and swollen; high-colored urine. Bryonia. - Eczema capitis when the scalp is very tender to the touch, and there are pains and aches worse from motion; eczema all over the body, especially on the back; eruption slow in making its appearance; symptoms worse from exposure to the heat of the fire; stools dry and hard as if burnt. Calcarea carb. - Chronic and squamous eczema in scrofulous persons; skin inclined to ulcerate; itching and burning in the skin; thick crusts with oozing; parts affected - nape of neck, head, face, on and behind the ears, genital organs, region of umbilicus, hands and bends of the extremities; chalky stools; menses too soon and too profuse; takes cold easily; cold feet, as though there were damp stockings on them; no dread of water, but the disease is aggravated by water; aggravated in the open air and from water and from drinkiiig milk; ameliorated in a warm room; in big-bellied children with light hair and blae eyes; profuse sweating of the head. Caladium. - Eczema alternating with asthma; great disinclination to move; vertigo on going to sleep; eczema of vulva, chest and forehead; ameliorated when perspiring. Caniharis. - Eczema with urinary difficulties; much burning and smarting or burning itching; aggravated from touch; ameliorated from lying down. Carho veg. - Eczema with hemorrhoids and flatulency; the most innocent food disagrees; cachectic individuals; aggravated from warmth and water. Carbolic acid. - Moist vesicular eruption on the hands and all over the body. Itching better from rubbing, but leaving a burning pain. Causticum. - Eczema in rheumatic or gouty individuals; moist eczema on the neck and around the nipple; thick crusts on the nostrils; great restlessness; child is afraid at night in a dark room; aggravated in the open air and in the evening; ameliorated from the warmth of the bed. Chamom. - Excoriations between the thighs in children and infants; unhealthy skin, every injury suppurates; severe itching of sweating parts; child fretful, must be carried about. Chelidon. - Eczema rubrum of the scrotum, or ankle; heat, swelling and redness of the parts; bitter taste in the mouth when not eating or drinking; pain in the hepatic region; chronic affections of the abduminal organs. Cicuta. - Thick, whitish scurfs appear on the chin and upper lip; they secrete a dampness; sometimes affect the nose; no itching; the exudation dries down into a hard, lemon-colored scab. Clematis. - Red and humid eruptions when the moon is increasing, growing pale and dry with the decrease; scaly spots with yellowish corrosive ichor; pustules over the whole body; eczema, following suppressed gonorrhoea; sticking sensation when touching the skin; aggravated from washing and from the heat of the bed. Conium. - Eczema of old people from being overheated; on face, arms and mons veneris; urine flows, and stops and flows, and stops at each emission; vertigo when turning the head, when looking up or when turning over in bed; gluey, sticky discharge; aggravated from scratching. Cornus alternifolia. - Dr. Lutze reports on the use of the swamp walnut, and sums up the following as indications for the remedy; Eczema when the skin was cracked everywhere, but especially where it had a fold or crease, exuding a sticky, watery fluid from these cracks; use locally and internally. Creosote. - Eczema capitis and mammae, with violent burning after scratching; heavy scabs. Crotalus. - Vesicular eruption on the septum narium; sour, acrid eructations; painful retention of urine. Croton tigl. - Any form of eczema uncomplicated with disease of other organs; watery diarrhoea gushing out forcibly; excessive itching, but the patient cannot bear to scratch very hard as it hurts; a mere rub suffices to allay the itching. Condurango. - Especially when rhagades are present, oozing out a fetid fluid; cachectic or syphilitic dyscrasia. Cuprum. - With convulsions, or when convulsions follow the suppression of eczema. Cyclamen. - Eczema faciei; when there is stinging itching, aggravated in the evening in bed by eating fat food, and ameliorated by scratching or by wiping with the hand. Dulcamara. - Eczema on the face and extremities preceding the menses, oozing a watery fluid and bleeding after scratching; after its disappearance, faceache and violent asthma; desire for cold drink, eructations, vomiting in the morning; persons who get angry easily; aggravated in cold weather, after taking cold, from cold, and evening when at rest; ameliorated while moving in warm air. Fluoric acid. - Eczema on the face, scalp, neck and chest; dry eruption with itching and burning; painful rhagades after washing; brittle nails. Graphites. - Thick crusts and a raw surface with deep rhagades; eczema of fat people, of blonde complexion who take cold easily; on and behind the ears with constant profuse oozing of a sticky fluid; thick crusts sometimes; falling out of the hair; on the face and chin, with considerable itching and increased discharge after scratching; on genitals and in bends of limbs, especially of women and delayed and scanty menses; humid eruption with secretion of corrosive serum smelling like herring brine; great soreness of the skin, after scratching, with oozing of a sticky moisture; on the hands, with sticky and profuse secretion; itching worse in the evening and at night; skin dry, never perspires, and is inclined to crack; disease apt to become purulent; aggravated from cold and in the evening; and, when at rest. Helleb. - Eczema of the fingers, lips or head, continuing moist for a long time and then covered with scurf. Aggravation of symptoms from 4 to 8 p.m.; in the evening, in cold air, ameliorated in warm weather. Hepar. - Eczema pustulosum, with glandular enlargements, severe itching and scratching, oedematous swellings; eczema behind the ears on the scalp, burns and smarts after scratching, and is very sensitive to the touch; after the abuse of mercury; sleeplessness after midnight; aggravated at night, from cold air and from contact; ameliorated from wrapping up warmly. Hydrocyanic acid. - Itching, burning vesicles on neck and arms; weakness and anaemia; constant drowsiness. Hydrastis. - Eczema along the border of the hair in front; aggravated on coming from the cold into a warm room; oozing after washing; constipation with hemorrhoids. Hypericum. - Eczema on the face and hands; yellowish-green crusts with violent itching; excessive itching, especially in the sacral region when undressing; the eruption is sometimes dry, and at times fiery red; roughness of the skin. Iris vers. - Eczema on the face; pustular eruption around the nose and lips, and on the cheeks; worse in the evening and at night; gastric and bilious derangements. Juglans cin. - Vesicular eruption on the upper and front part of the chest with burning and itching; violent itching over the whole body, in spots, worse when being heated from over-exertion; stitch-like pain under the right scapula. Kali carb. - In persons inclined to pulmonary difficulties; take cold easily; sensitive to cold; sticking pains all over; eruption dry at first, but when scratched exudes a moisture; comes on in warm weather; puffy and baggy swelling of the upper eyelids (Ars., lower lids); great dryness of the skin; deficient perspiration (Graph., Alum., Led); yellow, scaly, violent itching spots over the body, especially over abdomen and around the nipples. Aggravated between 2 and 3 a.m., from cold air (Hep.), from becoming cold. Ameliorated in warm air and on getting warm. Lachesis. - Very obstinate cases when seated on the legs; ulcers on the lower extremities; pricking, pulsating tearing pains; variable appetite; burning in the palms and soles; often useful in women during the climacteric period. Lappa maj. - The lesion is at first vesicular, then a scurf, and afterwards a greenish-yellow crust, and is always accompanied with such intolerable itching that the child has to be tied or mittend to keep it from maiming itself; sometimes the crust comes off in large patches, leaving the surface raw and exposed; the eruption smells offensive; swelling and suppuration of the axillary glands; disposition to boils. I have cured some very bad cases with this remedy, used as follows: Internally I use the lx three times a day, and apply locally the following lotion: Ledum. - Eczema only on covered parts; eczema of rheumatics or drunkards; gnawing, itching of the skin; the pain commences in the feet and goes up; aggravated from heat and motion, and heat of the bed. Lycopodittm. - Obstinate cases when the eruption bleeds easily and has a thick, badly smelling discharge; parts affected - back of head, face, neck, hands and right forefinger; bowels constipated; no appetite, a few mouthfuls satisfy him; great debility while at rest; bleeding after scratching; humid suppurating eruption, with thick crusts and profuse fetid discharge underneath; aggravated from 4 to 8 p.m., after getting heated, and from wet poultices; ameliorated from cold, from uncovering one's self. Mercurius sol. - All forms of eczema, especially of the hairy parts in persons who perspire easily, but obtain no relief from perspiration; tendency to inflammation of the lymphatic glands; increase of saliva; enlargement of the tongue, showing the imprints of the teeth; scorbutic gums; after scratching, bleeding and smarting; sleeplessness before midnight; aggravated at night; after getting warm in bed; after scratching; ameliorated in the morning. Mercurius iodat. - When other remedies fail and there is a decided syphilitic taint; swelling and induration of the glands; troublesome itching over the whole body; all symptoms are worse at night. Merc, precip. ruber. - Eczema of the hairy parts, and of the anus with fissures; eczema of the umbilicus; pustular eruption with slight itching; oozing of pus from beneath the crusts; glandular swellings. Mezereum. - Eczema crusts with white scabs, itching intolerably, bleeding and burning like fire on being scratched; honey-like scabs around the mouth; discharges profuse, excoriating the surrounding parts; head covered with a thick, leathery crusts under which pus collects and mats the hair; constant chilliness, pale urine, thirst, but drinks only a little at a time. Scrofulosis. Nafrum mm. - Eczema behind the ears, back of head and neck about the edges of the hair, anus, bends of the Liees and elbows; humid eruption, with gluey discharge, matting the hair; raw, inflamed surfaces, with constant corroding discharge, which eats away the hair; craves salty food; difficult expulsion of stool fissuring the anus, with flow of blood; morning headache; cutting in the urethra after micturition; white, coated tongue; lips and corners of the mouth ulcerated and cracked; eyelids raw and ulcerated; aggravated in the forenoon and from exercise; ameliorated after lying down. Natrum sulph. - Very moist eruptions, with much oozing of fluids, the secretions more watery than sticky. Nitric acid. - Eczema of gouty origin, about the head, ears and genitals; pustular eruption of the face, with large red margin, and heavy scabs; vesicles on the inner side of the left hand; soreness of the feet from profuse, offensive perspiration; dry, scaly skin; moisture and itching in the anus; syphilitic ulcers after abuse of mercury; swelling of sub-maxillary glands; strong smelling urine; in dark-complexioned old people; aggravated at midnight. Nux juglans. - Burning itching vesicles upon a cracked surface, with a greenish discharge which stiffens the linen; numerous, large, painful boils; itching worse in the evening and at night. Oleander. - A humid, scaly eruption of the scalp, with gnawing itching, temporarily relieved by scratching, soon followed by burning and increased itching; smooth, shining surface, with drops of serum standing out here and there; humid fetid spots behind the ears, red, rough spots in front; very sensitive skin; it becomes sore, raw and painful merely from friction of the clothes; aggravated when undressing. Marked weakness of the lower limbs, and a gloomy irritable mental state. Oxalic acid. - Exceeding sensitive skin, with vesicular eruption. Suffers from the use of sugar, and sweets in general. All symptoms worse while thinking of them (reverse, Camph.). Petroleum. - Eczema with red, raw, moist surface; burns like fire; great itching; oozing after scratching; ulceration after scratching; small wounds spread and ulcerate, obstinate dry eruption on genitals and perinaeum, inside of thighs; skin of the hands cracked and rough; eruption between the toes; skin heals with difficulty; aversion to open air; aggravated in the open air and.during a thunderstorm; ameliorated from warmth and warm air. Phosphorus. - Dry eruptions, burning and itching; the gums separate from the teeth and bleed easily; ecchymosed spots on the body; slight wounds bleed much, aggravation at night before midnight; during a thunderstorm; ameliorated after scratching; after sleeping. Piper methysticwn. - Skin dry, scaly, cracked and ulcerated, especially where it is thick, as on the hands and feet. Piper nigrum. - Eczema on the lips. Psorinum. - Dry and scaly eruption, with little pointed vesicles around the reddened edges, disappearing during summer, but reappearing when the cold weather comes on; violent itching, worse by heat of bed and scratching; dirty, greasy-looking, foul-smelling skin. This remedy should be thought of in cases which do not yield to the well-selected remedy and compared with Sulphur. Ranunculus bulb. - Vesicular eruption on face in clusters, as from a bum; smarts as if scalded; aggravated in the evening, from change of temperature, from touch and motion. Rhus tox. - Eczema inner side of thighs, particularly after vaccination, with much itching and thirst; the eruption is generally moist, the surface raw, and the parts swollen; a red, inflamed, swollen rim from subcutaneous infiltration surrounds every portion of the eruption (Ars., black rim around the eruption); white, thick, moist crusts form, which smell offensively, and itch, especially at night; cheeks, face, and scalp affected; falling off of the hair; milk crust on face, humid, angry looking, with hard, brown crusts; eczema, of the scrotum, with intolerable itching. The child is restless, wants to be moved continually, especially after midnight, when the itching is intense, but this is relieved for a time by scratching; the cold fresh air is not tolerated on the head; it seems to make the scalp painful; hence the child likes to have its cap on in the open air (compare Silicea). Rhus venenata. - Fine vesicular eruption on the upper extremities; groups of watery vesicles on the fingers; fissures on the ends of the fingers; upper lip swollen and covered with vesicles. Sarsaparilla. - Eczema on the nose and face; thick scabs on the face; scabby eruption on the nose and face, like milk crust; intolerable itching, worse at night, and after getting heated; child cries a great deal and is extremely restless. Sepia. - Eruptions during pregnancy and nursing; itching of skin, changing to burning when scratched; sensation as of ants crawling over the skin; soreness of the skin and humid places in the bend of the joints and behind the ears; pruritus, with vesicles on a red base over all parts of the body. Dry ringworm, especially on the face of children; dry offensive eruption on the vertex and back of head, itching and tingling, with cracks behind the ears; pruritus, with vesicles on acrid base over all parts of the body, face, eyelids, hands, feet, armpits, vulva, anus, ears, hairy parts. Great indifference or sadness; wakes about 3 a.m. and lies awake for hours; patient has dark hair, thin, delicate skin, brown discoloration of the forehead, and passes putrid urine (compare Calc. os., Benz. ac.); aggravated in the open air, from application of cold water; ameliorated from warmth in general. Silicea. - Eczema capitis, with humid itching eruption in scrofulous children; pale, cachectic countenance; enlarged cervical glands; leucorrhoea, backache; menses too profuse; eruption on the back part of the head, either moist, or dry and scaly; offensive; scabby; itching during the day and evening, never at night; soreness after scratching; burns; pustules form and discharge copiously. Child cries when spoken to; big-bellied children, with weak ankles; emaciated frame, and irritable tempers, with perspiration about the head towards morning; offensive perspiration on the feet and genitals; aggravated during day and evening, and about the new moon; ameliorated from warmth in general. Staphysagria. - Eczema with yellow, moist, offensive scales, with considerable itching, disappearing after scratching, but soon returning; oozing after scratching; humid scabs with bad smell; yellow acrid moisture oozes from under the crusts; scratching sometimes changes the locality of the itching; scalp painfully sensitive; skin peels off with itching, hair falls out; itching of the margins of the lids. Face sunken; nose pointed and blue rings encircle the eyes; the child is irritable, and indignantly throws things away from it which were desired but a moment before. Aggravated from scratching, from touching the affected parts, from abuse of mercury. Ameliorated from walking in the open air. Sulphur. - Sequela of a suppressed eruption; voluptuous itching, with soreness after scratching; eruption on back of head and behind the ears, around the margin of the hairy scalp from ear to ear posteriorly; dry, offensive, scabby, with cracks, easily bleeding, burning and painful; or humid, and offensive, discharging thick or thin acrid pus, which forms into yellow crusts; chronic cases; the child cannot bear to be washed; is most comfortable when dirty; morning diarrhoea, or bowels moved regularly, but always with great pain. Aggravated from getting warm in bed, from washing, from wet poultices; ameliorated from heat, in dry weather; after rising. Sulphuric acid. - Moist eczema after suppressed gonorrhoea, with pricking of the skin; on scratching the itching changes locality; aggravated in the open air. Sumhul. - Eczema on the left side of the scalp in infants. Terebinthina. - Infantile eczema in front of ear, tending to affect the eyelids (Graph., behind ear), often alternating with otitis. Thuja. - Itching vesicles, with shooting pains; skin extremely sensitive to touch; burns violently after scratching; dry, scaly eruptions on head, extending to the temples, eyebrows, ears and neck, with itching, tingling and biting; dryness of covered parts; perspiration of parts uncovered, smelling like honey; eruption only on covered parts; after vaccination the eczema is worse (Sil.); eruption is white, scaly, and desquamating; offensive perspiration of the feet; wants head and face wrapped up warm (Sil.). Aggravated from cold, wet, heat of bed, about 3 a.m.; ameliorated from gentle rubbing (itching); from warm wet (reverse, Lye. and Sulph.); from a development of coryza. Vaccination. - Several cases have been reported cured by vaccination; I have had no personal experience with this agent in this disease. Vinca minor. - Eczema on head, face, and septum of ihe nose; humid eruptions, itching at night, with burning after scratching; offensive moist verminous eruption with biting itching; eruptions appearing in spots, moisture oozes therefrom and the hair becomes matted. Viola tricolor. - Eczema impetiginoides, exudation of yellow viscous pus; the eruption burns and itches, especially at night; thick crusts form; swelling of cervical glands; urine smells like cat's urine; eczema capitis or facei, in scrofulous children. |
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