TreatmentLocally chrysarobin, thirty grains, with one ounce of traumaticin (liquor gutta percha). This should be painted on the spots daily until a considerable degree of local irritation is produced. Sedative applications should then be applied for a few days, and the skin allowed to recover from the effects of the drug. A single course of this sort will cause most of the spots to disappear. When there is much itching, temporary relief is afforded by the application of cloths wrung out in hot water. Should the itching prove obstinate, a weak carbolized oil and lime water lotion, or grindelia robusta, dr. j. to water j may be used. The following ointment has proven very beneficial in many cases, to relieve the itching of lichen planus and eczema. As regards internal treatment the old school rely almost entirely upon arsenic, giving preference to Fowler's solution. The patient should be liberally fed and well hygiened. |
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