Prurigo as a Family AffectionDr. Sckoloff records the history of a family, in which, of six children (aged from 1 to 12), three (two girls and one boy) were suffering from a severe general prurigo. In each instance, the symptoms had first appeared about six months after the child's birth to gradually attain their maximum intensity about the fifth year of the patient's life, after which the itching as gradually decreased. The symptoms were always intensified during summer, and under the influence of heat in general. All the three patients were fair and fat, while those not affected were of dark complexion and lean. The following makes a very soothing lotion: Lotions of bran water, or of Mezereum or Grindelia 1 part, water 10 parts, will be useful in allaying the itching, as will also Carbolic acid, gtts. v.; Aqua, 3 j- In obstinate cases the use of sulphur vapor baths is commended. Indications for internal remedies are as follows: Aconite. - Furious itching all over the skin, with febrile symptoms, and especially with inflammation of theĀ skin, thirst and restlessness. Arsenic. - Chronic form, itching and burning, better from warmth. Thirst, drinking little, but often, restlessness. Belladonna. - Creeping, crawling itching, with burning and soreness. Aggravated about 3 p.m. Children with blue eyes, blonde hair, delicate skin and red complexion. Borax. - Child becomes pale, the flesh relaxed and withering, with crying, aversion to food, and awakening from sleep with screams. Whitish pimples with red areolae. Carbo veg. - Itching over the body day and night. Derangement of digestion with bloating of the abdomen and frequent eructations. Dolichos. - Intolerable itching all over the body, worse at night, preventing sleep, worse after scratching. Ignatia. - Fine pricking itching, changing from one part to another. Mercurius. - Aphthous or eczematous prurigo. Itching worse at night, and worse from warmth of the bed. Sweating easily, but without relief. Rumex. - Itching better from warmth, contagious prurigo. Rhus ven. - Elevated red blotches, more on face, neck and chest, with violent itching. Sulphur. - Intense itching, worse in the evening and in bed, recent cases. Dry skin. Averse to washing. |
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