TreatmentScrupulous cleanliness must be observed; the diet should be carefully regulated; the child must not be too much wrapped up; the use of soap must be avoided; tepid sponging, spirit or alkaline lotions, may be used locally. A very useful lotion, is: Almond emulsion and lime-water may be also used. Lancing the gums is proper only when they are swollen or so tender as to distress the child. Chamomilla is the principal internal remedy. Other remedies may be indicated as follows: Ammon. carb. - Rash appears more on the right side. Frequent starting in sleep as if in affright. Antimon. crud. - Child cannot bear to be touched or looked at. Disturbance of digestion, nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea. Tongue, thickly coated white. Calc. carb. - Eruption attended with swelling of glands, heat, thirst and want of appetite. Scrofulous children and during dentition. Chamom. - Eruption of red pimples, itching worse at night. Great sensitiveness of the nervous system with irritability, cannot stand pain, the wind, or currents of air. Child very cross and restless, wants to be carried. Lycopodium. - The skin dry and hot, with yellow color, especially of the face, and emaciation. Eruptive itching, worse from 4 to 8 p.m. Red sand in urine. Nitric acid. - Eruption with burning, itching pains, worse at night, from change of weather, or during perspiration. Strong smelling urine, like that of horses. |
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